Most Braille material is provided by non profit groups, such as ours, and there is such a great need for braille transcription services. Your tax-deductible donation will help us provide textbooks for blind children attending school with sighted children.
The MBV Tribute Fund: The Midwestern Braille Volunteers Tribute fund gives you the opportunity to honor a loved one or friend by making a donation in their name while supporting our mission of providing braille textbooks for blind school children. You may also include a donation to Midwestern Braille Volunteers in your Estate Planning. When your tribute gift is received, a personalized acknowledgment will be sent to the family who has lost a loved one or to the individual honored, without reference to the size of the gift, and you will be sent an acknowledgement of your gift for tax purposes.
Please make checks payable to Midwestern Braille Volunteers
Please send your donation to:
Midwestern Braille Volunteers
104 W Adams Ave
104 W Adams Ave
Kirkwood, MO 63122
Along with the information requested by clicking the donation form.